03 April 2011

aaaaaaand we're back.

I feel like Max and I have gotten lazy and haven't updated in a very long time.  too long of a time.  It's almost awkward to just start writing again without at least addressing the fact that we are lazy.  So that's the long and short of it.  Anyway, moving on.  We're toying with new stuff to do, seeing as writing witty posts can be hard when you're about to graduate from theater school and work all day with screaming 7 year old children.  Creative juices tend to stop flowing when you're about to be really poor and you've spent most of your day watching misguided children eat their own boogers.  Yes, apparently kids are still doing that and it is still just as nauseating.

Anyway.  New beginning.  Now here is a picture of a ballerina and a puppy.

Image from here

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